Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A new blog of mine?

Yes! I have finally created my new blog, Laced-Daisies! I am NOT giving up on this blog, for any of you who are concerned, but if you havn't noticed, this is my "fashion only" blog! So, for my non-fashion related things I am looking forward to posting, they will be found: HERE.
On laced daisies, you will also find some of the posts that I have posted on Fashion-Geekxoxo, because I like to show my blog viewers on Laced- Daisies some fashion related stuff, and what they can find if they check out Fashion-Geekxoxo! So check it out, and check it often for posts!

(I will post more often on Laced Daisies than on Fashion-Geekxoxo btw)

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