Monday, January 28, 2013

Home Spa Treatments!

Using one of my favorite style fact apps, I came across something super interesting that you might enjoy. Using everyday ingredients that you almost always have around the house ill be showing you how to make things from a relaxing bath soak, to a anti-ace reddness for days when you break out.

Relaxing bath: Rose water & coconut milk
Skin Moisturiser: Honey & Olive Oil
Facial/Body scrub: Honey & Brown sugar
Lip Scrub: Un-petrolium jelly & raw sugar
Anti Fact Redness: Egg yolk and Lemon juice.

Relaxing bath: just to get over a stressful day. The rosewater is natural which is good for your skin and the scent is very light and nice. The coconut milk will moisturise your skin and have the tropical coconut scent added with the rosewaters scent.
Skin moisturiser: keeps your skin smooth and moisturised so it doesn't peel or break out easily.
Facial/body scrub: removes dead skin keeping your skin feeling more open and clean. Unclogs pores to advoid pimples and other skin damages.
Lip scrub: keeps lips from drying out. Removes any dead skin.
Anti face redness: removes redness to the face that is caused by rash, acne, blemishes, ect.

If you try any of these out leave a comment below of what you think about it!

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